Samstag, 22. Oktober 2016

Paleos®BAMANO FL-PURE NOW online!

Paleos®BAMANO FL-PURE NOW online! A fingerless, pure chain mesh version. Only made of stainless steel, they can always be completely cleaned from any dirt. These can even be sterilized in boiling water!

Paleos®BAMANO FL-PUR JETZT online! Als fingerlose, reine Ringgewebe-Version. Komplett aus Edelstahl bestehend, lassen sie sich immer wieder restlos von jedem Schmutz befreien.

#paleos #chainmailshoes and #chainmailgloves by #gostbarefoots #skating #rafting #biking #trailrunning #trekking #cycling #discgolf #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoes #barfußschuhe

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