Dienstag, 26. Februar 2019

MAGENION (SOLE-GUARD) turns your shoes into a fortress!

https://bit.ly/2Iz4M7f MAGENION (SOLE-GUARD) turns your barefoot, surf, water and sports shoes into a fortress! Paleos®PROTECT The #paleos by #gostbarefoots = #outdoors #protection #safety #magenion #soleguard #protection


NEW !! With MAGENION SOLE-GUARD https://bit.ly/2Iz4M7f even your lightest minimal footwear, your casual shoes, water shoes or waders turn into real safety shoes; with even more comfort and consistent flexibility. The #paleos by #gostbarefoots = #outdoors #protection #safety #magenion #soleguard #protection

Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2019

#paleos for surfers, fishermen, anglers, divers, forest workers, horticulturists ...?

http://bit.ly/2d42HOK Wild animals, surfers, fishermen, anglers, divers, forest workers, horticulturists ...? We are working on innovative Chainmail concepts (MAGENION) for pure body protection that do not restrict the freedom of movement! The #paleos by #gostbarefoots = #outdoors #protection #safety #magenion

Montag, 4. Februar 2019

On the way to the mailbox … probably the last winter picts :)

http://bit.ly/2d42HOK On the way to the mailbox … probably the last winter picts. Thank you Dan! Now it's time to look forward to spring! The #paleos #chainmailshoes by #gostbarefoots = #snow #ice #winter #proprioception #outdoors #lifestyle #therapy #health #fun

Samstag, 2. Februar 2019

Tough fans of PALEO's out there ...

https://bit.ly/2zmD84X Tough fans of PALEO's out there ... Thanks to Dan in England for comment and pictures: "I've been for three 10 mile walks in the snow and ice wearing NAUTIS SHEPPARD , and I can tell that my feet stayed lovely and warm. Everyone was slipping over on our very icy decking apart from me. The grip is amazing, definitely a strong selling point". The #paleos #chainmailshoes by #gostbarefoots = #snow #ice #winter #proprioception #outdoors #lifestyle #therapy #health #fun