Sonntag, 31. Dezember 2017

A perfect titel, as they definitely are incredible ...

"Incredible Chainmail Shoes" A perfect titel, as they definitely are incredible (the comments are fun to read too)! #paleos #chainmailshoes by #gostbarefoots

Donnerstag, 28. Dezember 2017

Start 2018 on the right foot with Paleos® ...

Start 2018 on the right foot with Paleos® by GoSt-Barefoots!

Hey there!

We do hope you're having some very nice holidays!

GoSt-Barefoots team wishes you success in what you do. Thanks for staying with us in 2017, it has been a great honor! It's hard to find words for expressing how grateful and lucky we are to have each and every customer, partner and testing member on board.

Now, whether you're enjoying your day off or working right now, feel free to take a coffee/tea moment and look through our range of Paleos® and make use of 15% discount for your next barefoot season by the end of December.

Cheers, and see you in 2018!

Dienstag, 5. Dezember 2017

You missed the 25% at ???

You missed the 25%? at Well, don't be too sad. There's still the 15% discount throughout December! But keep in mind... if you live abroad, shipping will take some time. Order now and enter the coupon code DECEMBER15 at the checkout ... and make a gift to remember for a long time! #paleos #chainmailshoes by #gostbarefoots #naturelovers #watersports #barefootrunning #barefootshoes #barfußschuhe #perception #outdoor #lifestyle #fun