Samstag, 29. Juli 2017

Being barefoot is no. ONE most sustainable option. So viewed,... Being barefoot is no. ONE most sustainable option. So viewed, the Paleos® are definitely the number TWO – only very much safer ;) #paleos by #gostbarefoots for #barefootfeel #safety #wading #swimming and #wellbeing  - #barefootshoes #barfußschuhe #barefoot #lifestyle #fun #health

Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2017

Dienstag, 25. Juli 2017

Wanna feel your environment? Paleos® ;)

Wanna feel your environment? Well, treat yourself a pair of Paleos® ;) #paleos #chainmailshoes by #gost-barefoots authentic #barefootrunning #barefootshoes #barfußschuhe

Samstag, 22. Juli 2017