Donnerstag, 29. September 2016

Dienstag, 27. September 2016

Paleos® Enjoy relaxing safety - anywhere!

Paleos® Enjoy relaxing safety - anywhere!

In murky water, seas and rivers, Watt, swamps and bogs or overgrown soils ashore. Enjoy peace of mind and the certainty of fullest protection from insects, snakes, crustaceans and man-made hazards at the crucial moment! "JUST IN CASE PROTECTION" that you do not feel, and only enters in appearance when you need it!
#paleos #chainmailshoes by #gostbarefoots
#barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoes #barfußschuhe

Montag, 26. September 2016

On quest for barefoot shoes for all seasons?

You are on quest for barefoot shoes for all seasons - also for less summery conditions? URBANs have all that is needed to take you through chilly times! By means of special insoles all open structures can even be completely covered! This way they can either be a largely open barefoot shoe or a "normal" closed minimal shoe.
Du bist auf der Suche nach Barfußschuhen für alle Jahreszeiten, auch für die weniger sommerlichen Bedingungen? Die URBANs haben alles was nötig ist um Dich bis zum nächsten Frühling zu begleiten. Sie lassen sich über die zugehörigen Einlegesohlen im Sohlenbereich sogar vollständig verschließen!

Enjoying the last warm days of the season!

Enjoying the last warm days of the season in a shallow creek!

Freitag, 23. September 2016

New Website by GoSt-Barefoots!

New Website by GoSt-Barefoots!
 - Responsive Design
- Mobile Devices
- MEGA-Menue
- Ticket-System
- Search functions
- DE /EN /ES
- BLOG-System
- NEWS-Ticker
- € / $ / £
- and many more…

!Tell us what you think ;)
  #paleos #chainmailshoes by #gostbarefoots

Someone here who loves mud?

Someone here who loves mud and natural terrain like I do?


Just in case there’s still....

Just in case there’s still summer somewhere :)

#paleosultra #paleosclassic #paleo-x-color #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoes #barfußschuhe #perception #recreation #relaxation #barfussschuhe #lifestyle #vegan