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PaleosULTRA - no
way to experience more freedom of movement and to perceive proximity to the
#paleos #chainmailshoes
#footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoe #hiking
#running #fishing #trail #trailrunning #survival #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle
#awareness #recreation #relaxation
Dienstag, 30. Juni 2015
No way to experience more freedom of movement
This is precisely what the PaleoBarefoots® are made for!
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Walking, hiking,
running, water sports and much, much more! This is precisely what the
PaleoBarefoots® are made for!
paleos #chainmailshoes #footpritection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning
#shoes #barefootshoe #watershoe #wadingshoe #watersports #rafting #sailing #kayaking
#whitewater #hiking #running #fishing #trail #trailrunning #survival #outdoor
#outdoorgear #health #lifestyle
Let your safely covered feet feel summer!
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Let your safely covered feet feel the summer ... this only works with
Paleos®ULTRA chainmail shoes!
#paleos #chainmailshoes #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning
#barefootshoes #hiking #running #wellbeing #strolling #minimalistsfootwear #outdoor
#outdoorgear #footprotection #health #awareness #recreation #relaxation #earthing
#lifestyle #design
Sonntag, 28. Juni 2015
Safety? No problem with Paleos ®ULTRA!
Samstag, 27. Juni 2015
No risk of cuts and stiches with Paleos®ULTRA!
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(DELINDA) feel natural environments in all its details, however, without
risking cuts, stitches and other hazards! #paleos #chainmailshoes #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoe #watershoe #wadingshoe #watersports #rafting #kayaking #whitewater #hiking #running #fishing #flyfishing #wading #minimalistsfootwear #trail #trailrunning #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #awareness #recreation #relaxation #design |
GoSt Summer Special ULTRA & X-Color! Don't miss out!
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GoSt Summer Special! The whole of July, ULTRAs and its High-End-version
X-Color are 10% reduced in price! Don't miss out! Watch the prices in the online store!
#paleos #chainmailshoes #save #savemoney #shopping #onlineshopping
#discount #offer #savemoney #offer #summerspecial #minimalistshoe #barefootshoes #outdoor
#outdoorgear #paleosultra #paleosxcolor
Freitag, 26. Juni 2015
PaleosULTRA - the ideal shoes for the terrain?
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PaleosULTRA the ideal shoes for eg Canicross? Why, surely! Don't be
afraid to ruin your usual footwear - and become a real team with your dog in
any terrain!
#paleos #chainmailshoes
#barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoe #watershoe
#wadingshoe #watersports
#rafting #kayaking #whitewater #hiking #running #fishing #flyfishing #wading #minimalistsfootwear
#trail #trailrunning #survival #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #awareness
#recreation #relaxation #design
Ever tried to go barefoot on mussel beds or reefs?
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Have you ever tried to go barefoot on mussel beds or reefs? Which shoes cope
with such conditions? PaleosULTRA!
#paleos #chainmailshoes #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning#barefootshoe #watershoe #wadingshoe #watersports #rafting #kayaking#whitewater #hiking #running #fishing #flyfishing #wading #minimalistsfootwear #trail#trailrunning #survival #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #awareness#recreation #relaxation #design
Samstag, 20. Juni 2015
Paleos®CLASSIC for land and water!
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In molds
like this just emerges a barefoot shoe, which can't be more effective and
innovative: Paleos®CLASSIC for land and water!
#paleos #paleosclassic #chainmailshoes #barefoot #naturalrunning
#barefootshoe #watershoe #wadingshoe #watersports #rafting #whitewater
#kayaking #hiking #running #trailrunning #fishing #wading #outdoor #outdoorgear
#design #lifestyle
Freitag, 19. Juni 2015
Every ages love the PaleosULTRA on the first try!
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Every ages
love the PaleosULTRA on the first try. Even sand getting into this unique
footwear, falls out easily on the very next step.
#paleos #chainmailshoes #barefoot
#barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoe #watershoe #wadingshoe #watersports #rafting #whitewater
#kayaking #hiking #running #trailrunning #fishing #wading #outdoor #outdoorgear
#lifestyle #funtimes
ULTRA X-Color (Black-Edition)
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ULTRA®X-Color (Black Edition) A real high tech version and a piece of jewelry in black and red for an all-inclusive price. Evolved from the feedback, demands and experiences of our customers of fashion and style. A resistant coating brings with it further advantages, such as completely eliminating oxidation and the resulting grey haze of the stainless steel on the skin. However, athletes and real outdoor enthusiasts will need the pure version of Paleos®ULTRA, because sand and soil act like sandpaper and can lead to the loss of the classy X-Color-appearance. Full warranty for one year! #paleos #chainmailshoes #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoe #watershoe #wadingshoe #watersports #rafting whitewater #kayaking #hiking #running #trailrunning #fishing #wading #outdoor #outdoorgear #lifestyle |
Comparison PaleosULTRA DELINDA and ULTRA X-Color (Black-Edition)
Ben has sent a nice picture from vacation with his family. Good comparison: Paleos®DELINDA (ULTRA) and ULTRA®X-Color Black (Bundle) (Black-Edition)
#paleos #chainmailshoes #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoe #watershoe #wadingshoe #watersports #rafting whitewater #kayaking #hiking #running #trailrunning #fishing #wading #outdoor #outdoorgear #lifestyle
#paleos #chainmailshoes #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoe #watershoe #wadingshoe #watersports #rafting whitewater #kayaking #hiking #running #trailrunning #fishing #wading #outdoor #outdoorgear #lifestyle
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