Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2015

X-Color Private – White Edition!

X-Color Private – White Edition!

“Wedding Shoes” from white chainmail! With these - and with those of you who dare to - we have something very special in mind! Paleos®X-Color (Private White) ... follow below Link. Double click on the first image to view enlarged high or see gallery!

„Brautschuhe“ aus weißem Edelstahlgewebe! Damit - und mit denen die sich trauen - haben wir noch etwas ganz Besonders vor! Paleos®X-Color (Private White) ... folge dem Link und klicke das das Bild doppelt um das volle HighRes zu sehen oder sieh Dir die Galerie an

#gostbarefoots #paleos #chainmailshoes #paleosultra #paleosxcolor #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoes #weddingshoes #barfußschuhe #awareness #perception #recreation #relaxation #barfußschuh #minimalistsfootwear #health #lifestyle #vegan #fashion

Freitag, 20. November 2015

Genuine barefooters use ULTRA S and X-Color ony!

Mal zwischendurch bevor unsere neuen Serien CLASSIC und URBAN kommen: Chris nach Erhalt seiner Paleos X-Color: Hi Jörg! Alles heute angekommen, die Paleos sind der Hammer!! Schon paar Kilometer gelaufen, absolut fantastisch!! Vielen Dank dafür und den tollen Service! Freu mich denn auch auf die Caymaro black die hoffentlich bald zum Verkauf kommen werden, die für die Stadt und Asphalt. Ich brauch solche Schuhe, denn ich schwitze sehr stark an den Füssen, werde nervös dass ich platzen könnte. Paleos sind die perfekte Lösung für mich. Ich laufe seit Jahren Barfuss, beim wandern auf Geröll ect. - auch im Schnee auf 1000m und seitdem bin ich auch nicht mehr krank. Davor habe ich sobald das Wetter ein bisschen kalt wurde gleich `ne Kehlkopfentzündung gehabt und musste immer Schal und Rollis tragen. Jetzt geh ich mit Hemd und leichter Bekleidung rum, wo andere schon Mütze, Handschuhe, Daunenjacke und das größte Fußgift UGG anhaben. Laufe seit Jahren barfuss in der Stadt, aber viele drehen sich um und kommentieren blöd, ist mir eigentlich egal, aber man kann es auch diskreter und "edler" machen, dank euch... Also, LG Chris.

Genuine barefooters use ULTRA S and X-Color ony! Also tough enough to try these? #paleos #chainmailshoes #paleosultra #footprotection #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoes #barfußschuhe #watershoes #awareness #perception #recreation #relaxation #barfußschuh #minimalistsfootwear #running #hiking # climbing #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #vegan

Donnerstag, 27. August 2015

Alexis from Hawaii has a great hobby: hiking and tree climbing with PaleosULTRA!

PaleoULTRAs ideal for everything in nature? Most certainly! Alexis from Hawaii has a very special hobby: hiking and tree climbing with PaleosULTRA. She has promised to send more pictures of her activities (diving, beach fishing, parachuting, etc.). Thank Alexis - we are excited!

Die ULTRAs ideal für alles in der Natur? Aber hallo! Alexis aus Hawaii hat ein ganz besonders Hobby: Wandern und Baumklettern mit PaleosULTRA. Sie hat versprochen uns noch weitere Bilder ihre zahlreichen Aktivitäten (Tauchen, Strandangeln, Fallschirmspringen, usw.) zu schicken. Danke Alesis - wIr sind gespannt!

#‎paleos #‎chainmailshoes #‎paleosultra #‎footprotection #‎barefootrunning #‎naturalrunning #‎barefootshoes #‎barfußschuhe #‎watershoes #‎awareness #‎perception #‎recreation #‎relaxation #‎barfußschuh #‎minimalistsfootwear #‎running #‎hiking #‎climbing #‎outdoor #‎outdoorgear #‎health #‎lifestyle #‎vegan

Montag, 17. August 2015

Vacation with the entire family and PaleosULTRA!

Vacation with the entire family and PaleosULTRA. Intense perceiving closeness to different environments the safe way! Thanks to Jörg and Lars for the cool picture! #paleos #chainmailshoes #paleosultra #footprotection #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoes #watershoes #watersports #trailrunning #rafting #sailing #kayaking #whitewater #hiking #running #fishing #flyfishing #barfußschuh #minimalistsfottwear #trailrunning #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #vegan

Freitag, 14. August 2015

Publication of a great Paleos hike!

Documentation of a great Paleos hike with the staff of Schneider Print Media GmbH in the periodical edition for their clients! #paleos #chainmailshoes #paleosultra #footprotection #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoes #watershoes #watersports #trailrunning #rafting #sailing #kayaking #whitewater #hiking #running #fishing #flyfishing #barfußschuh #minimalistsfottwear #trailrunning #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #vegan

Samstag, 8. August 2015

PaleosULTRA are barefoot safety shoes!

There is nothing more relaxing than the direct contact with the elements water, earth and air! PaleosULTRA is barefoot safety shoe! #paleos #chainmailshoes #paleosultra #footprotection #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoes #watershoes #watersports #trailrunning #rafting #sailing #kayaking #whitewater #hiking #running #fishing #flyfishing #barfußschuh #minimalistsfottwear #trailrunning #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #vegan

Freitag, 7. August 2015

PaleosULTRA - will always look like new again!

PaleosULTRA, the only barefoot shoe, which loves the waters, muddy and sodden grounds - and even after it, always will look like new again! #paleos #chainmailshoes #paleosultra #footprotection #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoes #watershoes #watersports #trailrunning #rafting #sailing #kayaking #whitewater #hiking #running #fishing #flyfishing #barfußschuh #minimalistsfottwear #trailrunning #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #vegan

Mittwoch, 5. August 2015

Authentic and safe barefoot feel and best GRIP on any natural surface!

Authentic and safe barefoot feel and best GRIP on any natural surface in the water and on land. PaleosULTRA lasts and is made to protect your feet in such conditions! #paleos #chainmailshoes #paleosultra #footprotection #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoes #watershoes #watersports #trailrunning #rafting #sailing #kayaking #whitewater #hiking #running #fishing #flyfishing #barfußschuh #minimalistsfottwear #trailrunning #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #vegan

Dienstag, 4. August 2015

There's no other footwear, providing such authentic and ...

There's no other footwear, providing such authentic and safe barefoot feel, while offering the best GRIP on any natural surface in the water and on land. PaleosULTRA lasts and is made to protect your feet in such conditions! #paleos #chainmailshoes #paleosultra #footprotection #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoes #watershoes #watersports #trailrunning #rafting #sailing #kayaking #whitewater #hiking #running #fishing #flyfishing #barfußschuh #minimalistsfottwear #trailrunning #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #vegan

Sonntag, 2. August 2015

Link to the natural world and be one with the environment...

PaleosANTERRA! Link to the natural world and be one with the environment... however, reliably protected against insects and other hazards lurking in soil and water! #paleos #chainmailshoes #footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #shoes #barefootshoe #watershoe #wadingshoe #watersports #grounding #rafting #sailing #kayaking #whitewater #hiking #running #biking #fishing #flyfishing #surffishing #wading #discgolf #barfußschuh #minimalistshoes #trail #trailrunning #survival #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #style #lifestyle #awareness #recreation #relaxation #earthing #awards #design #fashion #future #vegan

Samstag, 1. August 2015

There's no other footwear as "transparent", as safe and ...

Another picture of our Paleos hike in Bavaria. There's no other footwear as "transparent", as safe and which adapts so well to the respective substrate. Full awareness of the environmental conditions. PaleosULTRA - natural stimuli that keeps us and our feet healthy ...

Ein weiteres Bild von der Paleos-Wanderung in Bayern. Kein Fußschutz ist so "transparent", so sicher und passt sich so gut dem jeweiligen Untergrund an. Alles bei voller Wahrnehmung der Umgebungsbedingungen. PaleosULTRA - natürliche Reize, die uns und unsere Füße gesund halten...

#paleos #chainmailshoes #footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoe #watershoe #wadingshoe #watersports #grounding #hiking #running #fishing #wading #discgolf #barfußschuh #minimalistshoes #trail #trailrunning #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #awareness #recreation #relaxation #earthing #vegan

Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2015

99% of all shoes don't fit! PaleosURBAN does!

99% of all shoes don't fit! If a shoe isn't designed for the characteristics of the human foot, which is very asymmetrical, comfort and fit will suffer. #paleos #chainmailshoes #footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #shoes #barefootshoe #watershoe #wadingshoe #watersports #grounding #rafting #sailing #kayaking #whitewater #hiking #running #biking #fishing #flyfishing #surffishing #wading #discgolf #barfußschuh #minimalistshoes #trail #trailrunning #survival #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #style #lifestyle #awareness #recreation #relaxation #earthing #awards #design #fashion #future #vegan

Dienstag, 28. Juli 2015

Markus on a hike with Paleos ULTRA X-Color in the Czech mountains.

Markus on a hike with PaleosULTRA X-Color in the Czech mountains. Enjoying the pleasant feel of natural cool waters. #paleos #chainmailshoes #footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #shoes #barefootshoes #watershoes #wadingshoe #watersports #whitewater #hiking #running #barfußschuh #minimalistshoes #trailrunning #survival #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #design

A hiking tour with Paleos in the bavarian forests!

More picts from a great meeting with friends and fans of Paleos for a hiking tour in the bavarian forests! Weitere Bilder eines schönen Treffens mit Freunden und Fans der Paleos für eine Wanderung durch die bayrischen Wälder!

#paleos #chainmailshoes #footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #shoes #barefootshoes #watershoes #wadingshoe #watersports #whitewater #hiking #running #barfußschuh #minimalistshoes #trailrunning #survival #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #design

Montag, 27. Juli 2015

Geat meet up with friends and fans of Paleos!

Geat meet up with friends and fans of Paleos for hiking through the bavarian forests of South Germany! #paleos #chainmailshoes #footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #shoes #barefootshoes #watershoes #wadingshoe #watersports #whitewater #hiking #running #barfußschuh #minimalistshoes #trailrunning #survival #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #design

Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2015

The first model of the upcoming new series of Paleos - PaleosURBAN Nautis!

The first model of the upcoming new series of Paleos - PaleosURBAN Nautis for water sports, fishing, mudflats, marshes and swamps #paleos #chainmailshoes #footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #shoes #barefootshoes #watershoes #fishing #wadingshoe #watersports #whitewater #hiking #running #barfußschuh #minimalistshoes #trailrunning #survival #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #design

Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2015

Curious how Paleos®URBAN (Nautis) for water and trail running will look?

Curious on how Paleos®URBAN (Nautis) for water and trail running will look? Wanna see more picts? Neugierig wie der Paleos®URBAN (Nautis) für Wassersport und Trailrunning aussehen wird? Lust auf mehr Bilder davon?  #paleos #chainmailshoes #footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #shoes #barefootshoes #watershoes #wadingshoe #watersports #whitewater #hiking #running #barfußschuh #minimalistshoes #trailrunning #survival #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #design

Montag, 20. Juli 2015

With Paleos®DELINDA in uncharted waters - more than a pleasure!

With Paleos®DELINDA in uncharted waters - more than a pleasure! #paleos #chainmailshoes #footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoes #watershoes #hiking #running #minimalistshoes #trailrunning #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #design

Samstag, 18. Juli 2015

Another mud races in Australia successfully completed with Paleos®ULTRA!

Another mud race in Australia successfully completed. Paleos®ULTRA (PRONATIV) proves itself everywhere! #paleos #chainmailshoes #footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #shoes #barefootshoes #watershoes #wadingshoe #watersports #whitewater #hiking #running #biking #fishing #discgolf #barfußschuh #minimalistshoes #trailrunning #survival #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #design

Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2015

Barefoot feel, but no concerns because of ...

Barefoot feel, but no concerns because of sharp-edged stones or insects in the grass and soil - Paleos®ULTRA #paleos #chainmailshoes #footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #shoes #barefootshoes #watershoes #wadingshoe #watersports #whitewater #hiking #running #biking #fishing #discgolf #barfußschuh #minimalistshoes #trailrunning #survival #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #design

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2015

Frank loves to follow the nearby creek in the forest - Paleos®ULTRA (Paws)

Frank loves to follow the nearby creek in the forest - Paleos®ULTRA (Paws)

#paleos #chainmailshoes #footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #shoes #barefootshoes #watershoes #wadingshoe #watersports #whitewater #hiking #running #biking #fishing #discgolf #barfußschuh #minimalistshoes #trailrunning #survival #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #design

Sonntag, 12. Juli 2015

On the go on paws - Paleos®ULTRA (Paws)

On the go on paws - Paleos®ULTRA (Paws) #paleos #chainmailshoes #footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #shoes #barefootshoes #watershoes #wadingshoe #watersports #whitewater #hiking #running #biking #fishing #discgolf #barfußschuh #minimalistshoes #trailrunning #survival #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle #design

Freitag, 10. Juli 2015

The closest you can get to nature with a barefoot shoe - PaleosULTRA!

The closest you can get to nature with a barefoot shoe - PaleosULTRA! #paleos #paleosultra #chainmailshoes #footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoe #barfußschuhe #watersports #hiking #running #wading #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle

Donnerstag, 9. Juli 2015

Wanna feel nature while protecting the soles?

Wanna feel nature while protecting the soles? Paleos®ULTRA can! #paleos #paleosultra #chainmailshoes #footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoe #barfußschuhe #watersports #hiking #running #wading #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle

Mittwoch, 8. Juli 2015

There's no other mesh or fabric which is ...

Natural terrain on land or deep and murky waters ... There's no other mesh or fabric which is so flexibel and at the same time protective than the chain mail of Paleos®! #paleos #paleosultra #chainmailshoes #footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoe #barfußschuhe #watersports #hiking #running #wading #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle

Dienstag, 7. Juli 2015

Tanja and Ralf are also enjoyig Summer with PaleosULTRA (DELINDA).

Tanja and Ralf are also enjoyig Summer with PaleosULTRA (DELINDA).

 #paleos #paleosultra #chainmailshoes #footprotection #barefoot #barefootrunning #naturalrunning #barefootshoe #barfußschuhe #watersports #hiking #running #swimming #wading #outdoor #outdoorgear #health #lifestyle